My friends over at TheRatHole.ca reached out to me when they needed to have a vector file made of a logo. Their friends at Legend of the Traveling Tardis needed their vector logo, so they could apply it to any medium (including future merchandise!). But unfortunately, they couldn't get a hold of the original designer.
Luckily, I was there to help out! I was able to not only vectorize the logo but also freshen it up to give everything smoother lines. Now they have a logo that is crisp to use on their social channels, and access to the vector file so they can have their high-quality logo on anything they want to create!
This was quite a complex logo to vectorize, especially when working from a grainy jpg file. It was a fun project to work on and it really helped me sharpen up my illustrator skills.

The old logo was a grainy jpg that couldn't be used for any merchandising.